More about Promoting Science and Engineering speeches

Attracting more women into science, engineering and technology

Marie-Noëlle has over twenty years' experience of campaigning for more women to be attracted, trained, recruited, and promoted into SET occupations.

Whether a parent, a teacher, a trainer, an employer or someone interested in women's issues, this speech will give a deep insight into the situation of women in SET in the UK and how to ensure they are recruited into this exciting profession.

Inspiring young people into science, engineering and technology

Young people were born with technology – literally, when we think of the scans, the heart monitors, the respirators etc… As they grow, their lives are touched daily by science, engineering and technology (SET) but how many can relate their iPhones or the jeans they wear with electronics or chemical engineering?

Helping boys and girls in schools understand the contribution SET makes to everyone's lives and, through examining young role models' work, demonstrating the breadth of these careers, is what Marie-Noëlle can do to a mixed or single-sex audience.

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