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There are many myths surrounding the issue of leadership and a better understanding is vital for current and aspiring leaders or anyone working with and supporting leaders.

Marie-Noëlle defines, with a down-to-earth approach, what leadership is and contrasts it with management. By looking at examples of leaders, she helps her audience to understand the various types of leadership, draws the profile of a leader and concludes with tips on how to become a leader.

Networking successfully

With the wide use of emails, texts, and social networking sites, we now network daily, locally or internationally, for work and social purposes. Companies can harness this resource to their best advantage and help their workforce to network effectively and securely. Individuals may need to be guided about the 'who' and the 'how' of networking.

Marie-Noëlle covers the A to Z of networking, from the reasons someone should network, who makes up a network, to the characteristics and skills needed to network successfully.

Time management

Widely-used expressions like Time is money or A stitch in time saves nine help to remind us that time needs to be respected and used to the full whether at work or in our everyday life. As companies try to produce more for less and as organisations cut back on their workforce, time-management is more vital than ever to remain competitive.

After an explanation of the key principles of time management, Marie-Noëlle helps her audience to assess themselves and to plan new ways to manage activities for themselves and those around them.

Speaking effectively in public

I would rather die than to speak in public is a genuine quote from a woman completing a questionnaire about public speaking. The reality is that as soon as we speak to more than a few people, we are speaking in public whether in social gatherings, meetings, or conferences.

With advice and practice, public speaking is not so daunting and it may even be enjoyed. Marie-Noëlle runs through the research, preparation, writing and delivering stages with warnings about pitfalls and tips on how to succeed. And, yes, how to tell jokes is covered!

Building self-esteem and confidence

If you feel you can, you are right said the American industrialist Henry Ford. If we do not believe in ourselves and in our ability, who will? A lack of self-esteem and confidence can cost someone a job and many other opportunities. There is a huge spectrum between being a self-effacing person or an arrogant individual and this presentation helps everyone find a comfortable place to grow, progress and realise their potential.

After investigating the reasons why some people lack self-esteem and confidence, Marie-Noëlle explains why we need to be confident and how to build self-esteem and confidence. This presentation, which is very popular at schools' Prize Giving events, can be tailored for a girls-only or women-only audience.

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